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Competition, AI arms race and the kind of business you want


The world has become Googlized, as David C. Baker puts it. Knowledge work now has no boundaries. After 2020, tools like Zoom and MS Teams have connected all white-collar workers.

This means we are facing more competition than ever.

AI is this new thing that boosts productivity like what computers did in the 80s. Early adopters are seeing big changes.

But soon, every business will use AI, and we'll reach a new balance (but more productive!).

The key is the choices we make in our businesses: What will you do with the extra time AI saves?

What will you do with your business? Serve your clients better? Strengthen your core values with more resources?

Whatever your vision, share it with your team.

It's not about what AI can do in your business but what it will allow you to do for your business.

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